
  • Measurement with high accuracy

Because the fluid is directly measure, the integration accuracy of this flow meter is within ±0.5% (The accuract within ±0.2 is also available according to the demands for a dealing and a tax certificate, etc.) Especially, because a pair of roots is non-contact, a light material can be adopted for the TOKICO FLOWMETER. And low viscosity fluids can be measured with high accuracy and wide flow range.

  • Small size and light weight

Because the roots is adopted for the rotor, discharging fluid volume in one rotation of rotor is larger and the roots meter is designed small and light.

  • Excellent stability of accuracy

Mechanical parts of the roots meter do not wear because of non-contact rotation and there is little change of instrument accuracy in a long time operation.

  • Excellent durability

Because the roots meter rotates without contact, the rotor is excellent in durability.

  • Small pressure loss

The pressure loss is smaller than another displacement type flow meter because the rotors do not contact each other.

Suitable for:

  • Light Fuel Oil (Diesel)
  • Crude Palm Oil (CPO)
  • Heavy Oil
  • Other oil

Electronic Version (Click Picture to View)

Tokico Electronic Flowmeter

We also provide accredited calibration service for Tokico flowmeter

We stock Tokico flowmeters and strainers from 1/2" to 4", feel free to send us an inquiry at sl@slmeasurement.com.sg, international shipping available!

Technical Specs

Tokico Oil Flowmeter
Model FRO Flowmeter
Accuracy ±0.5%
Flow range Refer to next table
Max Working Pressure 10kgf/cm2
Max Working Temperature 50 ºC kerosene and light oil
100ºC for heavy oil(120ºC with the FGB-00X AND FGB-02X types)
Flange Rating JIS 10 kgf/cm2FF
Material Body:
FGB type: Bore 156mm - FC250 (Cast Iron), Bore 20, 25mm - FCD400 (Ductile Iron)
FRO type: FC250 * 1
FGB type: Resin
FRO type: Aluminium alloy casting
Counter Unit Integrating pointer and integrating counter (a reset conter is also available)
Electricle Transmitter Unit Transmitter:
FGB type: Reed switch (S), FRO type: Microswirch (M)
Power Supply:
AC100V, 50/60Hz as standard
Number of Pulse:
0~5 PPS
Output Signal:
ON - OFF contact
Transmission Cable
2-Wire cable with cabtype
Flow Direction Right to Left
Paint Color Munsell 1.4PB3.1/1.2

Model Bore(mm) Direct-reading integrating type Direct-reading integrating type with reset counter Pointer Number of digits Minimum unit
FGB type 15 FGBB423BAL-00X/02X FGBB423BAL-04X 1 7
(6 digits for 00X type)
FGB type 20 FGBB631BDL-00X/02X FGBB631BDL-04X 10 7
(6 digits for 00X type)
FGB type 25 FGBB835BDL-00X/02X FGBB835BDL-04X 10 7
(6 digits for 00X type)
FRO type 40 FR00438-02X
10 7 10
FRO type 50 FR00541-02X
10 7 10

Model Bore (mm) Flow Range (l/h) (Accuracy ±0.5%)
15 Fluid
Light oil
A heavy oil B, C heavy oil
20 Viscosity 1.2~3cP 10cP 50~300cP
25 Normal operation 10~200 5~200 -
40~1250 20~1250 10~1250
150~3000 50~3000 25~1250
FRO 40 Normal Operation Intermitent 800~6000 100~7000 50~7000
Continuous 800~4500 100~6000 50~6000
Max. 7000 8000 8000
50 Normal operation Intermitent 1500~13000 250~15000 100~15000
Continuous 1500~9000 250~13000 100~13000
Max. 15000 17000 17000
80 Normal Operation Intermitent 3500~35000 600~40000 300~40000
Continuous 3500~25000 600~35000 300~35000
Max 40000 45000 45000

Meter Type Bore (mm)   Flow Range(l/h) (Accuracy: 0.5%) For Oil
  Fluids Gasoline Kerosene Light Oil A Heavy Oil B Heavy Oil C Heavy Oil
Conditions Viscosity 0.3~0.7 mPa's 0.9~2.5 mPa's 2~4 mPa 5~10 mPa 50 mPa's 150 mPa's
FRP 50 Normal Operation Intermittent 5~35 3.5~25 1.8~35 0.6~35 0.3~35 0.15~35
Continuous 5~25 3.5~25 1.8~35 0.6~35 0.3~35 0.15~35
Max. 40 40 45 45 45 45
FRP 80 Normal Operation Intermittent 8~50 5~50 2.5~50 1~50 0.5~50 0.25~50
Continuous 8~35 5~35 2.5~50 1~50 0.5~50 0.25~40
Max. 55 55 60 60 60 60
FRP 100 Normal Operation Intermittent 16~120 12~120 8~130 4~130 2~130 0.7~130
Continuous 16~85 12~85 8~120 4~120 2~120 0.7~120
Max 130 130 140 140 140 140
FRP 100 Normal Operation Intermittent 20~110 15~110 10~140 8~140 6~140 3~140
Continuous 20~150 15~150 10~160 8~160 6~160 3~160
Max 160 160 170 170 170 170

Bore (mm)
Direct-reading integrating type with reset counter
Number of Digits
One Revolution
Minimum Scale (L)
FRP 80 FRP0845BAA-04X2-X 100 1 10
FRP 80 FRP0847BAA-04X2-X 100 1 10
FRP 100 FRP1051BAA-04X2-X 100 1 10
FRP 100 FRP1052BAA-04X2-X 100 1 10


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