EDL Practi-Cal (PRI) Dry Well / Surface Calibrator (PRI) allows for easy testing and verification of virtually any size or shaped surface and insertion-style sensor – in one compact package. Utilizing an interchangeable dry well system, this calibrator has a uniform flat surface alongside a custom drilled insertion dry well. The PRI is ideal for use in the lab or in the field. It weighs in at under 30lbs., and can be taken virtually anywhere.
Comparison Cryostat Calibrator
EDL's Comparison Cryostat Calibrator (CRYO-CAL-2) is the most trusted cryogenic calibration device available on the market. This passively cooled cryostat allows the user to safely and affordably calibrate a range of temperature measurement devices from 77K (-196 °C) up to 0 °C.
Comparison Cryostat Calibrator, Temperature -196 °C (77K) up to 0° EDL's Comparison Cryostat Calibrator (CRYO-CAL-2) is the most trusted cryogenic calibration device available on the market. This passively cooled cryostat allows the user to safely and affordably calibrate a range of temperature measurement devices from 77K (-196 °C) up to 0 °C. Using liquid Nitrogen as the cooling media eliminates the extreme cost of cascade compressor systems and the cumbersome nature of such baths. Calibrating at 113K (-160 °C) is no problem, and in fact, any temperature above 77K (-196 °C) can be accomplished with dwell times greater than 15 minutes. The Cryo-Cal-2 requires no expensive bath fluids and is virtually maintenance free - there are no moving parts or pumping systems. With less than thirteen (13) liters of LN2, affordable comparison calibrations can now be performed at any temperature above 77K (-196 °C)! With our CRYO-CAL-2 you are able to calibrate up to 4 sensors simultaneously in our standard block! The block has (4) 8mm holes to accommodate testing sensors. You may use the holes alone or with the (4) included tubes designed for 0.250". Additional spacer tubes and guides are available for these sizes: 6mm, 0.125", and 0.1875". Custom sizes are available upon request